pokeradar platinum
pokeradar platinum

ThePokeRadarcanonlybeusedinnormalgrassthatwildPokemonappearin.Normalgrassdoesnotincludesurfingonwater,beinginacave/building,orvery ...,InPokemonPlatinum,thePokeradarisbyfarthemostconfusingshinyhuntingmethodinthefranchise...butifyouknowhowtouseit,...

Where do I get pokeradar in Pokemon platinum?!


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Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - Poke Radar Guide

The Poke Radar can only be used in normal grass that wild Pokemon appear in. Normal grass does not include surfing on water, being in a cave/building, or very ...

I Used the Pokeradar for 100 Hours in Pokemon Platinum

In Pokemon Platinum, the Pokeradar is by far the most confusing shiny hunting method in the franchise... but if you know how to use it, ...

Poké Radar

It is used to seek out wild Pokémon hiding in tall grass. Its most notable use is to increase the probability of encountering Shiny Pokémon.

Shiny hunt-able Pokémon with Pokeradar

I was wondering if anyone had a list of all the pokemon you can shiny hunt with the pokeradar as I am starting to create a shiny living dex.

7 Ways to Use the Poke Radar

Steps · Complete the Sinnoh Pokédex. · Go into a grassy field. · Walk over to the shaking grass. · Recharge the radar if needed. · Defeat the Pokémon you meet.

Poké Radar Shiny Hunting Tutorial

Comments192 · Pokemon Platinum but I can only use SHINIES · I Used the Pokeradar for 100 Hours in Pokemon Platinum · This is How JIGGLYPUFF Can ...

Pokémon Platinum - PokéRadar Pokémon

The PokéRadar makes a return in Pokémon Platinum. Given to you by Professor Rowan after you complete the Sinnoh Dex, you use the PokéRadar by standing in ...

[4] Poké radar on Platinum is a lot of fun : rShinyPokemon

When you use the pokeradar, 4 patches of grass will shake in four increasingly large rings, centered around where you use the radar. So, one ...

where do you get the pokeradar app?

評分 83% (46) · Location: Gotten in Sandgem Town at Rowan's lab once you have seen all 150 Sinnoh Pokemon. Copypasta from the FAQs. http:// ...

Where do I get pokeradar in Pokemon platinum?!

Go to Professor Rowan's lab in Sandgem Town and After a long talk with you and Professor Oak, Rowan will give you the PokeRadar as a reward.


ThePokeRadarcanonlybeusedinnormalgrassthatwildPokemonappearin.Normalgrassdoesnotincludesurfingonwater,beinginacave/building,orvery ...,InPokemonPlatinum,thePokeradarisbyfarthemostconfusingshinyhuntingmethodinthefranchise...butifyouknowhowtouseit, ...,ItisusedtoseekoutwildPokémonhidingintallgrass.ItsmostnotableuseistoincreasetheprobabilityofencounteringShinyPokémon.,Iwaswonderingifanyonehadalis...